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Small Town Teams, Big League Dreams

Small Town Teams, Big League Dreams

Safety At TLL

Thurmont Little League ASAP Plan

A Safety Awareness Program (ASAP)

What is it?

In 1995, ASAP was introduced with the goal of re-emphasizing the position of the Safety Officer.  The Safety Officer is one of the most important Board Positions held and is responsible for creating awareness through education, information distribution, and providing opportunities to promote a safer environment for kids and all participants of Little League.

The ASAP manual is offered as a tool to place important information at the fingertips of managers, coaches, players, parents, and volunteers.

Thurmont Little League encourages all parents and their family members to visit the official Little League website at for additional information and resources about program safety.

The TLL ASAP program manual is submitted to Maryland District 2 annually and can be provided upon request.



Thurmont Little League COVID Plan

Approved  9/26/2022

Revised 9/15/2022


This plan is developed to outline procedures that Thurmont Little League (TLL) will follow as it conducts activities during the COVID-19 pandemic.  TLL values the safety of its players, volunteers, and spectators.  Safety guidelines will meet or exceed those required by state and local governments.  As these guidelines change, the TLL COVID Plan may be adjusted.  The TLL Board of Directors will approve the plan and any subsequent changes.  The board will communicate the plan and any changes to the league’s volunteers and parents through email and the league website at 

All players, volunteers, family members, and spectators must follow the guidelines as a condition of participating at TLL during the 2022 season.  

Participants with Symptoms or Positive COVID Test

1. Players or volunteers who exhibit symptoms of illness may not attend or participate in league activities.  Players or volunteers who have received a positive COVID test shall not be permitted to attend league activities for a minimum of 5 days from the date of the positive test. If symptoms are improving after 5 days, you may end isolation if you are fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication). Players and volunteers shall wear a high-quality face covering when inside or unable to maintain social distancing until at least day 11 following the positive COVID test.  

2. In the event that a household family member of a player or volunteer tests positive for COVID-19, then the members of that household, including the player or volunteer, shall begin isolation and monitor their symptoms. Players or volunteers should get tested 5 days following the potential exposure. Should the test be negative and no symptoms present, the player or volunteer may resume league activities.   

3. If a team has more than one member (player or volunteer) who has tested positive and/or has been exposed to a person who tested positive for COVID or has COVID-like symptoms, the team will not practice or play a game for 5 days from the date of the positive test.

4. Only the Team Manager and TLL Player Agent will be notified of any individuals who test positive for COVID. The Team Manager or Player agent will then notify the league safety officer and TLL President of the individual(s) that tested positive. Otherwise, the names of anyone who tests positive will remain confidential. 


1. Players are strongly discouraged from sharing equipment.

2. Each player will store his/her equipment in a specified location where it will be separate from other players’ equipment. 

3. Players are encouraged to use their own catcher’s gear, when possible.  If a player needs to use team-supplied catcher’s gear, the gear will be sanitized between uses by a Coach or Team Mom.

4. Players who do not own a batting helmet may borrow a helmet from the team-supplied equipment.  If needed, the helmet will be sanitized between uses by a Coach or Team Mom.  


1. Food is discouraged in the dugout/player areas and should not be shared.  

2. The use of an antibacterial hand sanitizer is suggested following any player’s hand-to-hand contact or otherwise exposure to bodily fluids. 

3. When visiting another league’s facility, TLL players, volunteers, and spectators will follow all expectations required by the host league. 

Social Distancing & Face Coverings

1. Spectators are strongly encouraged to adhere to the current guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding best isolation practices following a positive COVID test or exposure.

2. Team volunteers (manager, coach, team mom) and players shall wear a high-quality face covering between days 5-11 following the first positive test if they are indoors or in a confined area. Team volunteers and players will not be required to wear a face-covering while actively in the field of play. Voluntary use of face-coverings is at the players and parents discretion.     


1. Concession volunteers are encouraged to wear a face covering but will not be required to do so unless they meet one of the previously specified reasons as outlined by the CDC.

2. The concession counter and food prep areas will be sanitized before, during, and after each shift.

Further information regarding the Corona Virus and suggested best practices can be obtained by accessing



Thurmont Little League
275 Westview Drive (P.O. Box 361) 
Thurmont, Maryland 21788

Email: [email protected]

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